Looking for friends and support
Looking for some new friends and support. I'm on daily. I'm a 28-year-old female, in the US Navy, cyclist, long distance runner, and I love lifting. Add me and I'll add back for some more support :)
Anyone looking to lose around 30 pounds?
i want to get serious about losing the weight I want to lose and becoming an even better athlete. Anyone who wants to motivate and support this please feel free to add me!
Looking for active friends.
Military, cyclist, and runner. Looking to trim a few pounds so I can get a "max" on my next PRT. Add me!
Garmin Connect/MFP Friends?
I'm looking for active and supportive friends. I'm a 28-year-old US Navy Sailor looking to shed a few more pounds to get to my goals. I'm part of the military cycling team and race my bike a lot and I also do long distance running. I have a Garmin Vivofit, so if anyone wants to connect on that as well, I'd be more than…
New Friends
I'm looking for friends with a healthy relationship with food and weight loss. I've recently had to delete a lot of people from my friends list because of their extreme restriction and unhealthy relationship with food and weight loss. I'm an endurance athlete and need motivated friends. Please feel free to add me!
Runners: Half Marathon on Thanksgiving
So, I'm hosting a virtual half marathon on Thanksgiving. It's nothing official, you just run it and use either Strava, Mapmyrun, Fitbit, whatever, and report with your link and whatnot. Either a trail run or road... doesn't matter. It's not a competition to see who can run it the fastest, it's just a day to get some miles…
Accountability Network of Friends
Hi, I'm a 27 year old US Navy sailor. I'm looking for more friends here who are motivational and are good for accountability. While I pass my weigh ins and fitness tests without an issue, I want to be at a weight that I'm happy with, not just within military standards, and I want to get an even better score on my fitness…