So this may be a totally dumb question but I have never been good with body weight exercises, I have always relied on the gym. Unfortunately, with quarantining and living with someone who is high risk, I haven't had access to a gym for over a year. So what's your favorite body weight exercises? I would love some beginner…
Hi, everyone! I am a 21 yo f. I am recovering from Bulimia. I used to use this app obsessively but it made my food obsession worse. I think I am at a place where I can use this app without obsessing over itand I'm looking to rebuild support from the community. Looking for positive people only but ones who understand slip…
I've always struggled with eating since about middle school. I used to eat healthy but with severe calorie restrcitions. Once I came to college I started over eating and became bulimic. I don't purge and binge as much as I used to. I more struggle with over eating. I have a hard time eating healthy though and find myself…
I was looking to maybe do one of those things where people post their progress like every week and basically have a specific support group of people to hold them accountable but I dont know where to start or even how to go about this.
Hey! I live on a college campus and so I'm forced to have a meal plan. I'm lactose intolerant and allergic to soy. I might have celiac's disease but I haven't gotten the blood test for that done yet. I'm struggling with eating healthy because the options of food I can eat here is very limited (soy is literally in…