Ok, its March Madness! Is your Alma Mater in the tournament? What team are you rooting for? I will start with Notre Dame, however I don't think they will make it to the elite 8. So Kentucky is my second team!
So today I decided to create my own smoothie. There are so many options that you can’t go wrong with improvising. Normally I create juices or smoothies with kale, since its loaded with nutrients. Today's smoothie was a plain strawberry banana with a couple extra ingredients. Ingredients and nutrition facts are below.…
Not sure if anyone saw the blog post on healthy soups under 400 calories. I cooke dup #6 and it came out very good! https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/2014/09/14-quick-and-simple-soups-and-stews-400-calories-or-less/
Hello everyone! Just recently started using MFP again. Goal is to reduce my BF% from 19% down to 15% within 6 months.