I'm back again because unfortunately, after my very successful weight loss earlier this year, I've managed to return to the dreaded weight of 80kg. My heaviest was 80.5 and I REFUSE to get there again. Unfortunately for me, dieting isn't so straight forward. For roughly ten years I've suffered with a range of eating…
Okay so I realise the word surviving is a bit dramatic, but for me it feels that urgent. I've finally found a good eating patern and the motivation to stick to my diet and lose the weight I need to. I've lost nearly 5kg so far, but my birthday is coming up. I've got two dinners that I'm eating out for. First one is at a…
Hey guys, my partner and I are a young couple with hardly any money and we're finding it hard to eat healthy on such a tight budget. Could you all share your cheap breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack secrets with us? It would be good to have cheap, easy, efficient foods we can eat. Doesn't matter whether it has meat in it…