Winter Time is Gone and Summer's Almost Here!
How are you Fit For Motley's doing out there? Are you seeing the results of your efforts? Are you still at it? I hope you are. Jo and I are headed to the gym in the morning and I am going to do some sweating and lifting!
The Fit For Life Motley Crew on Garmin Connect!
Ok crew, if you have your smart watches working with your workouts, here is another great way to see your progress! Sign on to Garmin Connect and make a profile that works along with myfitnesspal. The 2 apps link together and provided you with info on your workouts, calories, how many steps in put in a day, what your…
Do This First!
Once you sign up on my fitness pal, be honest and regular and log exactly as possible what you eat! This will help you track your progress and how to get where you want to be!Buy a fitness watch that is compatible with this app. It will let you know when you need to get that body moving and get your steps in! It will also…