I'm new to the weighing things business and I can't seem to remember how many Oz of chicken! Oh, do I weigh the chicken before cooking or after? Thank you :)
Hi everyone!I'm Caity and I'm 25 years old, and I'm needing to lose about 60 to 70lbs, and I would love to have new people to be on this journey with. I would appreciate any tips you all have! I'm ready to be fit for me, my husband and our *hopefully* future children.
My name is Caitlyn, I am 24yrs old, and I weigh in at 210 lbs on a 5'3 body. I never realized how much weight I had truly gained until seeing my wedding pictures! I was mortified! I would love to be down to 160, but I have no idea where to start! Any friendly support or tips would be appreciated, thank you!!