I have asthma, among many other defects (my mom calls me the garbage can of the family's health history- I got it all). Before I started NS, my asthma was becoming out of control. No matter how much, how frequent or how many times I changed meds, it was a constant elephant on my chest. However, between the program and my…
I have started writing blogs again, which probably concerns no one other then myself. What I am curious about, is how do we sort our blogs (NS group) from the 50 million other blogs out there with other groups? That way if we do want to 'follow' a particular person's blogs, we can. So my question/thought is this. If you…
I have decided to make my own workout video. It will be called 'Muscles by Belle', and it will involve playing tug-of-war with my pit bull, trimming her nails (she has a really weird phobia about her nails being touched so it becomes more of a wrestling match!) and restraining her from her intense obsession with squirrels…