My doctor said to come back in 6 months for another test, and to exercise and watch my carbs. I'm 5 foot 4 and 205 pounds, so I'm sure my weight (obviously from a bad diet) is the direct cause. I know to avoid sugar, but can you suggest a breakfast and lunch to have? I'm just lost right now.
I was closing the fridge door, have not been exercising, lifting anything heavy, etc. but now I cannot lift my arm past the level of my shoulder. This is so frustrating as I just sprained my foot doing nothing last week. Any ideas at all? I'm clueless how this could have happened. This is the exact location of the pain:
Hello, this is my first time posting here. I went to my endocrinologist in April for my thyroid check up (hypothyroidism- controlled with Synthroid). I was very surprised that my SPGT was 52, which is slightly high. All the other liver enzyme tests were ok. I am a 5 foot four woman, weighed 204 pounds at the time,…
I have been tracking here for a few weeks and notice that I really never come close to getting enough potassium. I think I eat a pretty healthy and well rounded diet. How are the rest of you doing with your potassium? If you are getting enough, what foods do you eat that are high in potassium?
I would like to have a cheat day every weekend, where I enjoy the foods I used to enjoy. Have any of you done this and still lost weight?