Calling all Freaks, Geeks, Dweebs and Nerds alike!
Life always gets a bit more interesting when geeks get together. We're talking comics, anime, superhero shows, steampunk, history nerdyness (I specialize in the clinically insane side of history) and everything in between. So c'mon everybody! Show off your nerdy side!
Cosplay vs. Halloween
Now I know everyone enjoys Cosplaying. But the real question is which do you enjoy dressing up for more? Cosplay Pro: portray your hero/favorite character. Halloween Pro: dressing grotesque and creepy. But which one tops?!?! Start the debate!!! ^-^
The wake up call has arrived... But help is really needed.
I've been on and off of here for a long time now. You'd think that I would have this in the bag at this point. I've been on the boards, I've received solid advice, I've heard it all and done it all. If only I were ever consistent. But the one thing I severely lack is will power. I will 100% admit to that. I finally checked…
Who is your first Doctor?
I started baby fresh with Nine, loved him but I feel like his personality wasn't as strong as the more recent Doctors. Eleven has my heart though. I do love me some Matt Smith <3 . Oh uh... *cough*cough* Excuse me, my fan girl is showing. Anywho, who is YOUR Doctor? Lets here it!
Talk Nerdy to Me!
What is your MOST FAVORITE nerdy topic? Mine is seriously pirates and creepy/demented history! I could rattle off so many creepy facts. Did you know it was thanks to a pirate that we have so many words in Websters??? But then again he also would force his captives to run around in a circle naked as his crew mates would try…
Favoritism at its Best
Goooooood morning everybody! New day, new topic! :D Shout out your all time FAVORITE Super Hero! Doesn't have to be strictly from Marvel or DC it can be from a show, book, where ever. All you have to do is explain why your Hero is so amazing to you. <3 <3 <3
The Comic Con Bucket List
Alright now I need a proper list happening here! Instead of listing off amazing stuff from Comic Con (that list would take forever) but lets create a bucket list!! We need a giant list so everyone contribute stuff that they've either done/want to do/need to do at Comic Con or any Con for that matter. Mine: To kiss an Orc!…
Hero Strong!
Super heroes, gotta love 'em. Not to mention they're almost always ripped! I always look at a few of them and think "I need to learn how to use a sword like Kirito" or "Be strong like SPN Moose". Which Heroes physic do you hope to achieve? Everyone has that one, so which one is yours? (plus at the end of the day we are…
Welcome One and All!
I guess I never said this originally but welcome everyone! I hope that you enjoy your stay here! If you want to bring up a new topic to discuss please feel free!
Anxiety Issues
The one thing I miss sooo much ironically enough is going to the gym. I always went to Planet Fitness and I absolutely adore it over there. Super clean, open 24/7, free trainers, and friendly people. The only reason I stopped going originally was because of an injury and it was only meant to be a break to heal up. But…
Any geeks out there?
Seeking geeky friends! We're talking comic book lovers, anime watchers, steampunk enthusiasts, you name it. I'm trying to find friends on here that I can relate to with other stuff alongside with weight lose. Just trying to keep things interesting. Feel free to add me! :)
Cure for bad hamstrings?
I need a bit of help, a few years ago I ended pulling both hamstrings really badly and they've given me nothing but trouble since then. I'm thinking they either never healed right or they're just exceptionally weak at this point. Is there a way to strengthen your hamstrings? Any help is appreciated. Thank you! :smile:
Broke and over weight...
I know that I can't be the only one here with this problem, or maybe I am and I hoping to have a pity party. Is there anyone else here who lives paycheck to paycheck and barely making ends meet? I've tried more then a few times to buy only the healthiest of options at the grocery store (within reason of my budget of…
The not-so-subtle 'fat' comments
This is going to sound kind of weird, but has anyone else felt an odd sense of motivation when you received the "So when are you due?'' (knowing damn well you're not) comment? Recently I got that, then I got the "Oh the bigger girl helped me last time" whilst talking with a customer, then I got a cheeky "/You/ need to go…
Musical Motivation
We all have that tune out there that for whatever reason manages to make us jump up and move around. Of course everyone has their own specific taste, but I'm very curious, what are your get up and move tunes? Mine (that I can think of off hand) are Am I Wrong by Nico Vinz and Ghost by Ella Henderson Go! :)
Recipe Swap Anyone???
So I've found some utterly FAB recipe ideas (that are healthy) that I really want to try out like homemade frozen yogurt (just five ingredients) paleo and vegan ideas (I'm a meat eater) that sound just.... well fab! I'll share mine if you share yours! :wink: