40ish n feeling fab not flab
Rejoined mfp after losing a lot weight few yrs ago n finally treating myself to a tummy tuck in October 2014 ( yes I went private) got rid of excess baggy flab n pleased with new tummy. But want to lose one more stone to av slimmer waist. Felt miserable since I was 20 with my weight gain but now I'm 43 , I'm much happier n…
new 2nd timer
After going private avin my tummy tuck in October 2014 after losing a lot weight 8 yrs ago, I really want to lose a stone to av slimmer waist.So rejoined Mfp n hope it comes off by summer. Feel free to add me as buddy.
determined more than ever!
Used mfp before and it was good and really helped. back on it today. went private recently had a tummy tuck after losing a lot of weight yrs ago, i love new shape tummy but want to get a stone off to av a slimmer waist so im determined not to throw those thousand of pounds away and detemined to get this stone off, then…