new friends wanted!
back & losing 15lb i've gained back over the past few months! looking for support! B)
Looking to add friends who’ve had WLS!
I had the gastric sleeve in 2019 and lost 80 lbs and excess skin removal surgery in 2021. I’ve been majorly slacking these last few months and find myself with 15lb of regain I’m bound and determined to work off! Looking for folks who have had weight loss surgery or are planning to! :smile:
Losing WLS regain!
Hi! I had gastric sleeve surgery in 2019 and lost a total of 81 lb and ultimately had skin removal surgery last year. But since then I’ve regained 15 lb and am wanting to lose the regain, tone up and get closer to my goals. Regain is hard but I know we got this! :)
Looking to add friends who've had WLS!
I'm currently 5 weeks post-op VSG and looking to add new friends who've had any sort of WLS. Let's be fweeeeends
looking for new friends!
on my last month before submitting to insurance to hopefully have weight loss surgery sometime this year - and would like have friends along the way! this is only my 100th time back 😅✨
Looking for friends 18-30!
Looking for friends around my age to keep each other motivated! On the way to lose 78 lb in total. Please add if you're interested!
Looking for active friends 18-30!!
No, I'm not a creep looking to only friend younger people. I'm a younger person wanting to be friends with people my age! I'm 23, an esthetician and looking to lose 50 lb after gaining a lot of weight in a long bout of depression & a sedentary profession. Send requests and we can be buddies! I'd prefer open diaries &…
22 & looking for users around my age! ✨
I've been on this site for years, this being my second account, and am wanting users around my age to keep me on track & accounted for. I'm almost up to my highest weight after previously being 30 lb down! Sigh. So let's be buddies & keep each other motivated!
Seeking gluten free/paleo buds!
hello all, I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered you here.... I'm looking to lose 30+ lbs and have been gluten free for 2 years now, due to an allergy. Looking for both gf and paleo friends, as I am soon making the transition!
Looking for new support buddies!
I'm looking to lose around 31 lbs, or more if I feel so inclined. I have an open diary and try to be as supportive as I can. Also looking for those with fitbit, who use the site, and are wanting to do weekly challenges, and support one another on both sites. Good luck to everyone with their weight loss!