Looking for motivation and support
Good Evening Everyone, I'm just looking for some like minded ladies who are looking to lose big. Right now I'm pretty fat but I'm very motivated to lose. I've got a lot to live for. If you'd like to help each other on this journey then feel free to add me. Thanks
Wide Awake at 1:35am
If you want to add yourself to my friends list send an invite. I'm looking for like minded people who want to improve their lives.
Paleo diet
I have just started the paleo diet and was wondering if anybody else has done it or is currently on it. Would love to hear your thoughts. Also feel free to add me, I can definitely use some motivation with this new lifestyle change.
Looking for some friends who want to lose weight and support each other.
Definitely need some fellow supporters to lose weight. Its always nice to know that somebody is doing it with you. If interested in being support buddies feel free to add me. :)
Just started the Paleo diet.
I am brand new to the Paleo diet and would lobe to have some motivation from fellow dieters. My best friend is doing it and she is having success so I figured I have nothing to lose but my flabby butt. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other.
Looking for motivational buddies.
I'm doing the Paleo diet and I am looking for some motivational buddies. Feel free to add me.
Looking for motivational buddies.
we can be motivational buddies if you'd like Feel free to add me if you'd like.
Looking for motivational buddies.
we can be motivational buddies if you'd like Feel free to add me if you'd like
Looking for motivational buddies.
we can be motivational buddies if you'd like Fee free to add me.
Looking for motivational buddies.
Would love to have some like minded people striving to be the best version of themselves. Lets do this together and be motivational buddies. Feel free to add me. You can never have to much support!
Looking for motivational buddies.
we can be motivational buddies if you'd like Feel free to add me if you'd like
need to lose 110lbs
Hey everyone, I am new to the group and I need to lose 110 lbs. I am currently 253lbs. I use to be under 120lbs and got sick then the weight packed on and I had a hard time staying under 180. Last year I had some major medical issues that packed on lots of weight and fast. Now I want to lose it...and I will! Anybody…
motivational buddies welcome to add
Hello, I have been using MFP for a few years now and have loved it. I also went to Weight Watchers and had success but I like this program better. I need to lose 110 lbs after gaining a lot of weight from an illness and medications. If you would like a motivational buddy then shoot me an invite. Losing weight is hard doing…
need to lose 110lbs
I need to lose about 110 lbs. I use to be a runner and have gained over 60 lbs since May 2014 from being sick. I had a blood clot in my lung & 4 herniated disc which makes it hard to run or do much of anything these days. If your motivated to lose it too feel free to add me I could UAE the motivation from like minded…
motivational buddies welcome to add
Hello, I have been doing MFP for a few years now and generally I do very well with weight lose and maintenance. I use to be a runner and surfer so I was always pretty fit. We I injured my back at work a few years ago and gradually it got worse. As of May 2014 I was forced to use a wheel chair for a short time and off/on I…