From levothyroxine to armour thyroid - bad headache
Hi, Just went from 125 mcg levothyroxine to 2 grains armour thyroid a couple of weeks ago. I`ve been using armour before and know that my body and mind works so much better on those, plus it`s way easier (for me that is) to lose weight ....but I got pursuaded by my doc to try levo again....which was a bad choice, really.…
Diet supplements and hypothyroidism
Hi all, New to the group :) I`m diagnosed with Hypothyroidsm (and Hashimotos) - and finding it really hard to lose weight. It takes really long time to lose just a few pounds. I used to be on levaxine (what you guys might call levothyroxine) - but it really didn`t do me any good. Too many side-effects and too easy to gain…
Exercise makes me dizzy and nauseous
I try to exercise almost every day in some way or another, mainly walking - but lately I bought a rowingmachine, and I just love it. Yesterday, on my FD, I started rowing just within an hour after main-meal, but the harder I pushed my self the sicker I felt. This has happened twice now, and I don`t like it. Is it so that…
Am I doing it all wrong?
Hi, Been doing 5:2 for a month now and lost about 1,5 kg (approx 3 lbs). That`s just too little to keep me wanting to continue this. Now, I need to ask you guys if I might have fallen into the big and no-good temptation. I do count calories, also on the days I`m not fasting. In my head, I thought I have to (due to my…
Should we "eat up" the exercise-calories?
Hi all :) I`m new here, but so happy I joined in...Totally motivated, and already lost 2 kilos this week, hurray ;) But I was just wondering...when I exercise, I understand I then have some extra calories to eat up....This is great for the days I want an extra treat, but is this really needed? Wouldn`t I loose even more…