Hi I am struggling with keeping my diet on Saturday and Sunday !!!!when it comes to Monday through Friday I am on track but when it comes to Saturday or Sunday I caved in !!! It's a struggle of mind that I'm working on. On the weekends I am doing an activity or someone invited me to a barbecue or ect........... Am I the…
Hi I am from Miami Florida and I'm 30 years old I have lost 23 pounds and I look at myself and I can't tell!!! some time I feel like it's not working !!!!! But everyone around me , tells me how good I look to keep it up !!! Am I the only one that feels like this ?
Hi !!!!! I am 30 year old I live in Miami ,fl and I am looking for friends to motivate me and so far..... I lost 2 lb in MFP
I have a park around my house . I am going to start walking in the park by my self BC every time I start with a friend they stop going and then I stop !!! No more excuses.....
sometimes my kids are eating things that l'm not supposed to eat but I just want lil piece lol . I think its just a lil hard when u have lil kids and they eat what ever they want :s
This is the time that I get hungry oh my God!!!!!!all I think is about food at this time !!!!!! :'(
How do u add friends ???
Food is not my friend !! :\
Hello everyone !!!!!!