Is there a scale or anything that would help you measure body fat? I would like to track that instead of the number on the weight scale
Is there anyone on here that follows the Keto diet? We are trying but it is getting harder for me now that we are in week 3. Would love to hear what others think.
Does anyone use a meal planning app of any kind? Something that gives you recipes of healthy meals, helps make a grocery list? Anything like that? I am curious, I am looking for something that will help me plan out a week at a time and allow the foods to change up so we don't get bored or feel like we are missing out on…
Hello, my name is Angel and I try to workout regularly but I tend to fall off the band wagon after a little while. SO I was hoping to gain more friends on here in hopes that holding each other accountable would help me stay on track. Any takers?
I generally love the way I feel in the morning after a good run, but in order to do so I have to get up at 4:15am to get 30 minutes in before time to get ready for work. It is hard to stay on a schedule getting up that early because I get so tired. I would love to go back after work a couple of days a week for weights, but…