I'm back, again
So I'm trying again to lose weight buy this time taking no prisoners. Last week, I was extremely light headed and almost fell twice. Tested My sugar it was over 300! Yep that was my wake up call. No more games and lame excuses. But I need friends, partners in crime...accountability partners... etc
Craptastic, I just want need a healthy way to lose weight.
So six years ago, I had the gastric bypass surgery and for awhile I was happy. Then three years ago, I had my baby girl and the weight find me again. For some people that have the surgery, it works great for them but for me, I never changed my eating habits. So after I had my daughter I gained the majority of the that I…
Here I go again
I have been done this road so many times but I'm positive I can succeed. I just need a few positive people to tell me to put the raisinets back and get up and go exercise.