Novice Runners challenge
Want to join me in my personal challenge to run 3 miles a day for three weeks? I'm a newbie runner, 7 months postpartum, trying to shed the last of my baby weight. I've been running one time a week for a couple months and am psychologically ready to run daily now! I won't stop running after the three week mark, just using…
Weighing vs. estimating
I'd be interested in comparing results of two dedicated people. One dedicated calorie counter who weighs all her food and logs it, vs. another dedicated calorie counter who estimates the calories consumed and logs it. The reason I pose this question, is that logging my food is a tedious task for me enough, without the…
Weekly Digest Disappears??
The last two weeks my "weekly digest" will appear as "ready to view" in my notifications, but when I click on it, it only partially loads (text with no graphics), and when I try to reload it, it has disappeared from my notifications, so there's no link to click on it again to view it! This is very frustrating because I…