I'm on the website, trying to edit some dark chocolate which has no sugars entered. I'm getting the error, an item with this description already exists. Well of course it does, I'm trying to edit it! I'm not creating a new entry, and besides that, there are tons of things with multiple entries! How can I change this…
So what's that about? I'm a bit lighter, we've both chosen from the database, not added an exercise-makes no sense to me :s
Since filling in the food diary, it seems I eat way less fat than I "should" and way more sugar. (eg 101g, goal 51g) This is almost all natural, in skimmed milk, fresh and dried fruit, parsnips, cabbage (?!) etc, with some in rich tea biscuits, yoghurts etc Upping my fat intake would just be adding calories for the sake of…