Looking for a good calzone recipe with onions and mushrooms. I have about 1000 calories to work with
I am looking for recipes for morning smoothies. I cannot have alot of protein or potassium.. Just a heads up.. But I am on food stamps so funds are limited. right now I have apples and cranapple juice that i have been using cus my bf grabbed the wrong thing so yah. I am on a 1600 calorie diet so I have basically told…
So According to most things i have found and MFP I should be eating about 2300 to lose 2lbs a week. My dr has me on a 1600 calorie diet. Far be it for me to question my dr. I am not sure what to think about this. that is 700 more then others reccomend. Is there a huge danger to this. Obviously my Dr. may know something I…
A friend of mine wants me to check out a chinese buffet. before I started calorie counting I would gorge myself on it. Obviously I cannot take a set of measuring cups with me. IT will be increadibly difficult for me to count calories. I thought about telling her its to early for me to subject myself to that kind of…
So I am browsing looking at weight loss tips and stuff. I find this http://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php Which basically shows what your target day is that you will reach your goal. I found it interesting.. basically shows me I will be my target weight on Dec 29th this year. but i figured i would share it.
I find it a little annoying to see the IF today is like every day you will weigh blank in 5 weeks.. The number changes constantly due to be under and over or under considerably.. Is there a way to turn this off?\