Hey everyone... I'm just starting my weight loss journey, yet again. I'm the highest weight I have ever been in my life at 210 and I really want to lose the weight FOR GOOD. I have gained over 70 pounds in the past two years after getting married. Before I got married two years ago I was 160 lbs, the healthiest I had been…
Any advice for dealing with a non supportive spouse? Mine gets mad at me for going to the gym because it takes away time from him. He makes me feel guilty about it. He has always had a great metabolism, and doesn't need to lose any weight so he doesn't understand my struggle. I am trying to workout everyday for an hour…
I am a planner. I tend to over plan everything and then have a hard time following through because it is so strict! When it comes to diet and fitness, what do you do to keep yourself accountable? How do you plan for meals and exercise?