Anyone 50 +
Looking for FP buddies50+
Any one over 50 and trying to lose weight ?
I have been working so hard to lose 30 lbs , my calorie intake around 1200-1300 a day , my workout everyday 30 minutes ! I have been on and off doing this since jan 1 most I lost 5 lbs , but as of today I am down 2 lbs since my new start from last Sunday a week ago ! Need fellow buddies my age for motovation !
Anyone 50 and up ?
Looking for FP buddies 50+
Any one from Florida ?
Looking for workout buddy's in my area
Restart me please !
Anyone restarting any kind a program ? Just got done with reading about how fruitose and nitrites and preservatives have the effect on your body storing more belly fat cause our body's can't process it !!!
Who likes to walk your way slim ?
Looking for a walking buddy ???
Love to walk !
Walking up to 3 miles 3 days a week !