not too long ago I started a IG account to keep progress and encourage the progress of anyone else who would like to join me! @dancingintherainn_ if you wanna follow along and join the journey feel free too! I will and can do the same for you! it's all about supporting each other (:
its always super encouraging to see the posts of others. Let's help one another out! reply if you would like more MFP friends! Im always welcoming more people on my road to fit, as well as trying to inspire others on their road to fit and healthy as well! so reply for an add (:
Hey everyone! So, I've had this app for a while but I haven't been consistent before in using it like I have been now. I've also started a fitness page on IG to track my progress and encourage others! please feel free to add me here or on my fitness IG that would be @dancingintherainn_ I don't have many friends here on my…