I'm 20yrs old I'm trying to lose 50lbs. I enjoy helping and motivating friend! I'm looking for friends that have the same goal or desire to be physically happy along with mentally happy.
This community is great, we all need one another to help with motivation, inspiration and just generally being a good friend. I'd love to be there for anyone of you guys! I'm a 20yr old looking to lose about 50lbs, just so I can lead a healthy life style.
Hi! I'd love to make some friends on here to help stay motivated during my fitness journey. I'd like to share success, and be able to vent if maybe it wasn't that great of a day. Please reply if this sounds like a good idea to you:)
So I'm 5 days in, I'm feeling good about this. I'm worried though that I'll just end up back at square one.... But I'm gonna try to just keep motivated.
My name is June, so today is my first day using fitness pal, I hope to lose 50lbs! So here is to a healthier life!