Which treadmill would you recommend?
I have decided to buy my daughter a treadmill for her 21st birthday. Problem is that I know nothing about them. Do you have one that you would recommend? What features does it have? Budget is around £300.
Exercises for increasing bone density
Hi I have bone density issues that are degenerative. I currently run 2-3 times a week for 5-10k. I also do Hatha yoga for core stability. Can you recommend any exercise that I can build in to help increase the bone density?
What is healthy eating?
http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/nov/22/what-is-healthy-eating An interesting article in todays Guardian. Here is a snipet from the long article. GF is thus keeping health magazines busy and food manufacturers gleeful: the “free from” market is one of the few corners of the west’s cheap-food culture where big…
Protein powder recipes please
Hi I have a crazy amount of protein powder to use up. I have vanilla, chocolate, and cherry bakewell. Any ideas of things I can cook with them in?
Powdered peanut butter B1G11p
For any one in the UK, Holland and barrett has the powdered peanut butter on the 1p sale! http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/search?query=peanut+powder&isSearch=true#so=sort_topseller&totalNumRecs=7
Quest bars UK deal
Make any purchase at Holland and Barrett in the next few days and it prints out a till spit to get any item half price from July 11th. I got one today so I'm going to use it for a box of Quest bars :) £17.50 for a box!!!!!
Anti inflammation diet
Has anybody tried this way of eating to help with chronic pain? If so did you notice a difference and what time frame did things improve for you?
Heck chicken sausages
Has anybody tried them? We had them tonight and they are lovely and only 36 calories each. Served 4 with 2 fried eggs, mushrooms fried in garlic with a tsp oil and a french stick topped with a little cheese. Really nice I'll be buying them again, it didn't seem like a sub 550 meal!
Does any body use this yoghurt maker? I've just set mine away to have tomorrow. Any one know which flavours are highest in protein or fibre?
Bad case of DOMS
What helps you with your muscle soreness when you get it? I failed to warm up today and pushed myself harder than my norm. Now my neck has cramped up badly and I have pain in my arms :/