Premium MyFitnessPal
Hi does any one use Premium from MyFitnessPal? if you do what do you use to make worth it? Thanks so much! I’m back and need to be total on board 😊
Can not get my head to stay in the game
Hi anyone else having this issue. I start strong for couple of days and then I slowly fall off. It's frustrating because I generally eat pretty healthy and I exercise but just can't see any victory on the scale. I could understand if I just drank cola and ate Twinkies but that is so not the issue. Any advice or…
Boy, seems to be more difficult to balance life. I remember having so much energy that I could work out in the evening. So what happened to me? Darn must be that biological clock. I'm not sure how anyone deals with it who works 8 to 5 job , then comes home cooks, picks up, and gives our furry kids some attention... One of…
I'm back again. I hoping to gain some good advice, recommendations from those who have succeeded in their journey. Please friend me, I have about 60 lbs to lose but like to think of it in small increments of loss especially since I will be hitting one of the big age milestones soon. ☠