I've been wanting to be fit and lose weight for a very long time now and I'll see pictures of fit girls and it motivates me for like five seconds. I can't stick with some motivation. Sometimes I get to thinking that it's never going to happen because it'll take so long and I won't stick to it and that's not the attitude I…
Okay so I'll get motivated and want to workout but then a few minutes later I just want to lay in bed and never workout. I feel like I ruin my whole day worth of trying to be healthy bc I'll eat something unhealthy and it just makes me want to "try again tomorrow" but it never happens. I want to lose weight so that I can…
The people whom I live with are very unsupportive of my attempt to lose weight. There's never any healthy foods in my home and they do not buy groceries for me so often I find myself eating unhealthy foods because that's all that is there for me. They make me very depressed and it makes me just want to lay in my room and…
Often I go through stages where I will barely eat just because of the fact that I'm not hungry and then lately I've been eating like crazy and although I hate to admit, it's been junk food all the time and foods high in fat. I'll binge eat and it's like there's no filling point. How do you guys stop when you feel a binge…