Gaining weight after exercise
ugh I've been running for the past week and eating less but I've actually gained 2 pounds! What am I doing wrong? Is it water retention or am I some kind of weight gaining Benjamin button? Has anyone else experienced this?
Tips for running?
Hi, my goal is to run a 5k but I've always avoided running because I feel like everything is jiggling and people will stare. How do you guys do it? Tips on breathing, pacing, and strides would be great!
Help me
hi, my name is Sylvia. I've always been the heavy one and at 5"7 I topped out at 180 during Junior high. I've struggled with losing weight and being heavy my whole life. I have always been teased about my weight by friends, family and kids at school. When I started high school my weight really became noticable, what with…