Hi, I've had what I believe is runners knee for the past five weeks. Any ideas on how to cure this that have worked for you? I've rested it, done shorter runs to try and strengthen it, used ice. It only starts to hurt after running for about a mile. Any help appreciated as I'm starting to think running may not be for me :(
I'd like new friends to motivate me, please add me. Thanks :)
Hi Can anyone recommend a good yoga DVD. I want to incorporate it into my week and there is no classes in my area. Thanks
Hi I bought Aloe Vera juice from Holland and Barrett, I only had one spoonful and I've felt sick ever since with a bad stomach. Anyone experienced this?
Hi, my resting heart rate according to my Fitbit has gone from late 60's to around 45 now since New Year. I have been keeping up with exercise in this time. I compared it to my friends and hers is still around the 70's. I know Fitbit is not 100% reliable but I know it must be around that rate. When I was younger a nurse…
Hi, I've been back into exercise now for about 5 months. On Sunday night me and my sister was messing about doing exercises and since I've had upper arm pain. The severity seems to be up and down but last night the pain woke me up. Is a pulled muscle quite painful? I struggle to move it at times. Thanks in advance