If your a mum and looking for friends to help motivate or just general chat. Being a mother can be hard especially if your kids like their food... I constantly find my self dishing up chicken nuggets, chips, pizza and eating some...then after dinner I get "whats for pudding" so I then find my self having the odd spoonful…
Hi I'm a 22 year old female from England.. I have just over 10st to loose but I keep messing up... I really would like more friends to help mr stay on track and motivation... Thanks
Hi I'm a 22 year old female from England. .. I've over 10st to loose and would like some friends along the way.. add me if you are in the same boat as me
Hi I'm a 22 year old female.. I am very over weight at 23 st and struggle to loose it... I haven't always been over weight, I gained 14 St after the birth of my son 4 years ago... I've tried many diets and just can't seem to loose anything.. just looking for some friends who are also struggling and looking for friends..