Let's be friends so we can share recipes!!!
Hey y'all! Let's be friends so we can share all the delicious and healthy recipes we have discovered...most of mine from pinterest lol
Embarking on a long journey, in need of support!
Hi there, I am a wife and stay at home mother to a 5 year old daughter and almost 4 year old son. After having my son, I lost all 55 lbs of baby weight in 5 months. Then I got the Mirena. Over the next 2.5 years, I gained 100 lbs, lost all energy and felt horrible everyday. In March, I had the Mirena removed but my…
Need friends for motivation!
I started my journey today and I need friends for support and motivation. We can do this!!! Add me so we can help each other!
Embarking on a long journey, in need of support!
Hi there, I am a wife and stay at home mother to a 5 year old daughter and almost 4 year old son. After having my son, I lost all 55 lbs of baby weight in 5 months. Then I got the Mirena. Over the next 2.5 years, I gained 100 lbs, lost all energy and felt horrible everyday. In March, I had the Mirena removed but my…