FREE Flu Shot Clinic Minutes & Extra credits to be earned
Thursday, November 19th the City will host a FREE employee flu shot clinic from 11am-2pm at the San Clemente Aquatics Center, open to the firs 125 employees. Wellness members can log 30 minutes for the shot and we encourage staff to enjoy a walk on the park trail. TEAMS that take pics of members in action can gain 10…
Dark Friday - 3 days off - what's your favorite active time?
Please share with the group what your favorite active time is on your days off from work? I know for me with extra time I enjoy longer runs, hikes, bike rides, beach time and just time that I don't have to watch a clock or be somewhere at a certain time and rushing. Thanks in advance for sharing and if no one responds…
Coach Meeting
Coach meeting on Tuesday, September 29th to cover registration for MyFitnessPal and report submission, 12:30pm at the Aquatics Center.
Last day for TEAM signs ups is Wednesday, September 30th!
Teams can be found here: I:\cc\public\Wellness Program\2015 Wellness Teams Don't see a team to join? Start your own or you can log solo to gain your personal wellness reward. All questions can be directed to Recreation@san-clemente.org