Getting that Fit Body
Hey! So, I just started my weight loss/getting fit routine on August 16! I weigh 138 and want to get down to 130, that's my first goal. But I would eventually like to hit 120. I have tried before but it's been a tough road. I would eat so much and eat after dinner. Any advice for my journey?
Any College Football Fans Out There?
So, College Football starts this weekend and I'm going to the game! I'm so excited! Is anyone out there interested in college football? Or going to any games this weekend to start the season?? :)
Definitely could use motivation right now
I've been struggling lately and really need some motivation and support. Thank you all.
A Teen and Ready to Get Lean
Hello All! I'm a older teen who has been on the ups and downs of weight loss. I am also a big fan of running. One reason I have struggled is that I lost motivation, but that's why I need you guys! Friend me to help me on my journey and so I can help you on yours! Thank you!