Would be great to have a friend with a previous ED who knows the struggle on how it is to loose weight the correct way. Really need support on doing so by girls who understand. Please message me
I am having really really bad cravings right now and I've already went over my limit on calories and I need tips to get rid of cravings :(
Hello guys... I've posted before but I'm posting again because I really want a lot of support and definitely will give it back. I've struggled with disordered eating for the past years and I'm really trying so hard to loose the weight the right way. I've recovered from the past but the scars are still there... I need…
I really need motivation and friends that are willing to stick with me in my diet journey. Reading my previous posts you can see I have struggled previously and since a child with eating issues.. I really need help to be on the right track and friends that understand where I've been and can relate. Please feel free to…