Keep on going...:::
No matter how little it is, it's always something in the end. Even just half hour it's still losing them calories!! I thought too myself I'd never be able too get through it. But I think too myself what I want too achieve and I stick too it. Just think of where you want too be. Think and say too yourself never give up.…
Praising others
It's so nice too see people praising others, it always puts a smile on that persons face. "Keep on going, never give up"
Enjoy your healthy eating :)
There's always time too make your meals look fancy and tasty #healthyeating!
Never Give Up, always think positive.
Of how many times my work colleagues told me too "download my fitness pal, is amazing" I never got round too do it. But one day I manage too find the "time" too actually have it right in front of me on my phone. I never really had the energy too do anything, just lazed around and thought no point in trying, it's never…