Diagnosed 6 weeks ago. Currently housebound and still really I'll. Putting on weight and feeling generally crap. Mostly very lonely and not many people seem to have suffered the same. anybody had this? How soon until you felt back to normal? Unable to do my normal activities still and going out of my mind. Just want to get…
Any fellow horse riders on here on their weight loss journeys? Whether you ride every day or once a week, would love to hear How you're doing and motivate each other. Could do with some more friends on here. Also wondering how you track your riding calories... take off the fitbit so it doesn't count steps ?? Track…
Healthy alternatives to a sandwich? I've been having marmite sandwiches in my lunch which I love dearly, but the bread is soooo full of calories. I need something that's going to fill me up, be quite easy to prepare and not too pricey. Any lunch suggestions at all? Fussiest eater in the world here but desperate for ideas!
Hey, Looking for more friends to help motivate me. Only been at it a couple of weeks. 5ft 1 and a half, (Very important half!!) - 10st8 at the moment, want to get back down to my healthy weight of around 8 and a half stone! Couple of stone to lose and seriously struggling with motivation, looking for friends on here to…
Is it possible to lose weight through diet alone? I'm 20 years old and working full time in an office, working quite far from where I live so commuting takes a lot of my time and by the time I get home I'm exhausted. I used to go to the gym quite regularly before - but I get SO anxious I could only go if it was very late,…