Looking for motivation ❤️
Always looking for new active and motivating friends, feel free to add me :) :)
New friends
Looking for new and active friends, feel free to add me :)
Looking for motivation!
Feel free to send me a friend request, I'm on a journey and I would love all the motivation and suggestions anyone has! I love seeing all the work outs people post and like to try new things!
Feel free to add me, the more motivation the better!
Need motivation
Feel free to send me a friend request, definitely need all the motivation I can get, love to motivate & support other people as well! Would love some advice great advice as well! :smile:
Need friends!
Need some friends with positive attitudes, great advice & just for a little motivation with each other! Feel free to add me :)
Exercise and nap?
I didn't really sleep much last night, but I promised myself that I would work out before I took a nap today when I got home from work. Is it bad to take a nap afterwards or should you wait a certain amount of time?
New to this
I've just come to realization that I want/need to be a more healthier me. Definitely excited to see the journey it takes me on and would love support! Time to get started