I've been Keto for about two months now and I'm lovin' it. But. 3:00am on the dot. Every single night. I wake up and have trouble getting back to sleep. I've tried supplementing magnesium, drinking bouillon broth, liver detox,... Last night I even had 13 Carb grams of boiled potato. I'll try anything as long as I can stay…
So the rules are: you Take this Test. Take your time: don't rush through it (takes about 10min). Answer from your place of honesty - not what you feel may be the 'best' answer. And then report back here with your Type: did it apply, what surprised you or what you learned. From there we can discuss our types and how they…
What food would you consider the most filling with the lowest carbs? I'm thinking eggs but I'm sure you all have some great options I haven't thought of.
Hello Keto Krew, I'm doing ohhkay on my own. I don't log everyday and overall making progress, but I'm sure I'll do much better if I know that I have other friends on the same journey. So instead of stalking the forums - I'm peeking my head in. So what did you all eat today? :)