Oregonian looking for support.
I've been absent for awhile but I'm back. Are there any Oregonians or nearby out there?
Portland Oregon
Looking for support from Portland Oregon. Perhaps a exercise buddy out walking partner...
Why does he act like that?
Oregonians out there?
Just getting started and I love this app. Looking for motivation...
So I'm trying to get into a dance glass for exercise. Does anyone have any ideas?
How do you do that?
I see people posting videos and selfies. How do you do that?
Just curious
Does anyone know why you can't like or comment on someone status even though they've been added as a friend? Is it a glitch?
Add me I need all the help I can get
First week lost 5 lbs booya;-)
Started my fitness app last week. On a low fat diet It's actually not bad I was surprised about how much I can eat. Has anyone ever tried this?