S7 vs S7 edge
What's your opinion on the two.. Trying to decide which one to get.
low carb breakfast ideas
Looking for low carb breakfast ideas.. ( I'm tired of eating eggs :/ )
Who's your Fitness Pal twin???
Age, height, current weight, goal weight
Meal planning
I downloaded the app diet point.. Gives you meal plans for the week, shopping list, daily reminders (notification) of when to eat breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.
What's for lunch?
Tuna salad season with a pinch of lemon pepper, tomatoes, red pepper and 1 side of strawberries. :-)
Starting Over
Starting over !! I stepped on the scale today and it said 253.4 lbs :o Taking things one step at a time. 1st - GW 225lbs 2nd - GW 200lbs 3rd - GW 175lbs