I need ideas folks..my 6 y/o has a auto-immune disease that attacks her joints. She gets tired easily and will get sore quickly and on vacation we will be doing a lot of active things hiking sightseeing etc. She is not a little person she is 4ft 1in and 73lbs so too big for a regular stroller...ideas?
I'm still totally a work in progress. I wasn't feeling like you could see it. I looked at a Pic from Decemeber to this past weekend!
Even before I started MFP I went to the Doctor. I got weighed he looked at the chart and said no way you weigh that...the nurse must have mixed this up. So the Doctor weighs me and is shocked. He said well you don't look your weight...anyway fast forward to today...on the BMI I'm severely Obese a 42 on the percent of body…