One 30 minute walk will make a difference over time. Also dieting doesn't mean takeing away things that are unhealthy you just need to add all your fruits and veggies!
You are amazing! Your body may be large, round, thin, bony but you are beautiful in every single way! If loosing or gaining weight will make you feel even more amazing than go for it! Stick to it if you want to but also no you are amazing either way!
Getting started on weight loss plans aren't easy but there is a way to make it easier. Getting a Buddie to keep you motivated and to have fun with while your at the gym! 2 is better than one. I tried doing it on my own. It is very hard because you don't have anyone to let down when you quit. Try it!
Hi I am Nadia and I have been looking for an app like fitness pal to help. It's amazing. Knowing how many calories are in my food and how much I am burning off is great! I may be large but that doesn't mean I can't change!!!