What would you put on my Spotify playlist?
I try to create unique and eclectic Spotify playlists to keep me entertained on long drives with different genres of music. I also try to come up with creative criteria for my different lists. So, with that in mind, and knowing that I have a rule that only 1 song from each artist is allowed to be on any playlist, what…
3 x 100
Every day for the next 5 weeks: 100 push-ups 100 sit-ups 100 squats Who's with me?????
On the go, low carb food choice
Can't eat breakfast 1st thing in the morning. About 10am, body starts craving carbs. But working on the go I can't sit down. Looking at 'low carb' options for a quick, handheld breakfast choice. Allergic to walnuts. Suggestions?