So, today I switched gyms. I have been working out at Planet Fitness but I am wanting to get more into lifting and wanting more than just a big cardio room and some machines. I am really happy with the gym that I chose (UFC) and was telling my roommate about it and I got a really weird reaction from her. Basically, my goal…
Do you have a specific reward for hitting that goal weight? My goal is to lose 40 lbs (or, 36 as of now!) or more. I am not buying myself any new clothes until I hit my goal weight of 110 lbs. Also, I want to see my abs for the first time ever! When I do, I'm getting a rib tattoo. It'll be my first tattoo in a few years…
I've been trying to incorporate flax seed into my diet but I am hating the way it changes the consistency of my protein shakes. It makes it really thick, like melted ice cream even though I'm cutting it with water. Is it just me? Is there an alternative? I'm not a big fan of a lot of veggies so I'm mostly wanting the fiber…
Hello! I am starting a weight loss journey and nobody in my life is really "into" it... they think weighing my food is weird. Anyway, I just turned 25 and I've been trying to lose weight on and off for the last year or so... I just keep falling off the wagon. I'll stick to meal planning for about three weeks, lose a few…