Any People from Holland here? If you want any tips or just a chat feel free to add me!
Long story short, i was a party animal at first, every weekend drugs, alcohol, everything. Now i'm still addicted, but to the healthy lifestyle. Made my life so much better that i want to share experience, knowlage and i want to help others in need of bettering!!
From drug addict to fitness addict
There years ago i was at a all time low in my life, hooked on drugs and partying. Thats when i realised something had to change. Now, 3 years later i feel better than ever. Stopped all of my bad habits and can smile again thinking of my future. Thanks fitness, thanks!
Trying to add to my friends list
If you need/want help with training and dieting, or just some motivation or chatter. Add me! I have my own story, from bad health too fitness addict. Curious to how and why? Again, add me! See you laterrr
Looking for Some friends!
Hi there, i'm looking for Some friends. I'm also a certified personal trainer so if you have any questiones concerning training or diet please do not hesitate to ask!
Hi! Looking for Some friends on here, male or female
Also, i'm looking for ectomorph males with a minimum of 4 years of bodybuilding experience. Can you help me out?