right now i can only do them on my knees and was just wondering how long does it usually take to progress from knees to regular push ups?
Anyone have any recommendations for either protein powders or shakes? Ive also never used them in my diet are they just for building muscle or do any or them help with weight loss?
Ive seen people say it gives them more energy for their workout and some say it helps with muscle, anyone here drink it?
Most of my workouts are cardio based and im trying to incoporate more strength training into it but not really sure what to do or what equipments to use at the gym. Definitely want to improve upper body strength (i have none currently) Any tips? Thanks!
Just started using the machine at PF a few weeks ago and every time i end up with blisters on my hands. Do you guys wear gloves when using it or am I holding the handles wrong?