Looking for some weight loss buddies to keep me motivated. Started using this to track my calories but the empty wall is a bit bland. So yeah send me a friend request so we can shift some fat!
Hello people, I'm looking for friends on this because I've just started up this week. I think seeing some helpful/motivational posts from all of you will help so add me! :) I'm 22, 5'10 and 185 pounds. Looking to lose about 20 pounds of fat before putting lean weight back on.
Hi people, I'm 22 in the UK and I want to lose around 25 pounds of fat. Need some friends to help me stay motivated and on track so feel free to add me! Will be posting progress pictures in a few months.
Managed to get myself down to 11.5 stone last year, now I'm back up to 13.3 :( need help staying motivated so anyone and everyone add me!
Hi, I'm in the UK and looking to get some motivation! Feel free to add me if you're looking to smash some goals