Looking for mom friends!
I have a 7 year old and a 7 month old and while I love them more than life itself, I am DONE having babies :smile: Ready to get my body back but need some help doing it. I just signed up to get personal training and exercise is proving to be the easy part of the equation. I LOVE to eat and I love to eat bad stuff. Would…
Meal Replacement/Protein Shakes - Any recommendations??
I'm looking for a good quality shake that is healthy and tasty - something I can substitute for breakfast. Chocolate, Vanilla and any other tasty option is preferred. Any recommendations?? Thank you!!
Are Kind Bars OK to eat? How about Nature Valley Bars?
I love both of these with my coffee in the AM for breakfast. Are these OK to eat?? Thanks!
Healthy Pressure Cooker Meals??
I just got myself a pressure cooker and I need some healthy meals I can cook in it. Lots of protein would be great. Thanks!