Team members added are in bold. Team 1: Mandy Asper Ken Barth Christi Truskey Brian McGurgan Michelle Schmitt Paul Anderko Julia Brown Team 2: Mike Trosan Cortney Honeycutt Amy Siegel John Coates Aaron Grygiel David Love Stephen McShane Team 3: Nicole Wilkinson Gloria Grancea Holly Herbertson Carly Fuller Tori DiDomenico…
Ben Volk has been added to Team 5. Team 1: Mandy Asper Ken Barth Christi Truskey Brian McGurgan Michelle Schmitt Paul Anderko Team 2: Mike Trosan Cortney Honeycutt Amy Siegel John Coates Aaron Grygiel David Love Team 3: Nicole Wilkinson Gloria Grancea Holly Herbertson Carly Fuller Tori DiDomenico Team 4: Chris Mogush John…
Four new team members have been added to teams 4, 5, 6, & 7. They are bolded below. Team 1: Mandy Asper Ken Barth Christi Truskey Brian McGurgan Michelle Schmitt Paul Anderko Team 2: Mike Trosan Cortney Honeycutt Amy Siegel John Coates Aaron Grygiel David Love Team 3: Nicole Wilkinson Gloria Grancea Holly Herbertson Carly…
Team 1: Mandy Asper Ken Barth Christi Truskey Brian McGurgan Michelle Schmitt Robby Melnick Team 2: Mike Trosan Cortney Honeycutt Amy Siegel John Coates Aaron Grygiel David Love Team 3: Nicole Wilkinson Gloria Grancea Holly Herbertson Carly Fuller Tori DiDomenico Team 4: Chris Mogush John Izzo Lauren Hedderman Laura Hayes…
Greetings! If you're reading this, you have officially committed yourself to the EdisonLean Fitness Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to support and hopefully improve the body, mind, and spirit of all participants. Don't panic, seeing the term fitness doesn't necessarily mean you need to begin lifting weights like…