Hey guys, i have got problems with my hip flexor and socket! Everytime i lift my left knee to hip height my hip pops and i get a sharp pain in my groin! This subsides as soon as i lower my knee but it is causing problems when i workout! ... any ideas what is wrong? :'(
Heya, I am looking for friends similar height to me, what are your stats lovelies? Height - 5ft 1in Weight - 101 lbs
Hiya i am not new to mfp however my old account got blocked *sigh*... I am looking for new buddies on here, i am a 5ft 1in mum from wales, i weigh 100lbs and am looking for friends who like a laugh and dont take life too seriously! I am good at keeping people motivated, kind and honest! Add me if you like :)
Heya, does anyone have food diarys on instagram that they want to share? Mine is allthatgliitters ☺
Hiya, I looove fitnessblender on youtube however i have done their workouts for so long and am wondering if anyone has seen anything similar on there? I cant stand these ones which make a show of it with loads of people and music etc ☺
Hey ladies, If you had nexplanon (implant) and got it removed when did you get back to normal and have periods again? I had mine removed 2 weeks ago and did not bleed for the 2 years i had it, when can i expect my period to return or does anyone have tips to help it return? Thank youu