Call it insecurity or conceited or whatever but the main reason i am choosing to lose weight is so i can feel beautiful. People like to put on a front and say im losing weight so i can be healthy blah blah blah but there are other reasons why people choose to lose weight .Whats your reason (real reason) for losing weight ?
Hello everyone ! So i need a little help. I want to lose weight of course. Will drinking a protein shake in the am or pm every day along with good diet and exercise make me huge ? I want a small thin frame which im used to having . and if it wont ,what type of protein shake should i be drinking.?
I want to lose fat of course and get toned but i dont want to get bulky . im pretty tall , 5'10 and i just want to have a thin , feminine frame. I was thinking about doing HIIT , hearing all the great reviews on it , along with my cardio but im not sure if thats a good idea because i dont want to become bulky or have man…
I need a person to help me with my wieght loss goals .im not obese i just want to lose a few pounds and tone up . i want to be able to talk to this person everyday and basically have a fitness relationship with them if that makes sense lol
Ive always been tall and skinny but this past year i gained over 20 pounds and i feel gross lol i just want to lose wieght, get nice toned abs and be able to wear clothes that show off my long legs without feeling insecure . i just need serious motivation . i dont have any drive or anything or anyone to push me .